A Letter to the Vogelzang Family

We received this remarkable letter from close friends of Vogelzang Vineyard and just had to share:

Our love for Vogelzang Birdsong Sauvignon Blanc began with an anniversary getaway several years ago. We’ve always enjoyed white wine, but had never tried a Sauvignon Blanc. The restaurant recommended we try this particular Sauvignon Blanc from a California vineyard. We fell in love...with Vogelzang Happy Canyon... and had a bottle, with dinner, each night of our stay.

At this point, each time we went on a little getaways or family vacation, we had “our” wine shipped to wherever we stayed. We’ve enjoyed it in Arizona, Wyoming, New York State, Maine and San Diego. We finally decided to order directly from the Vogelzang Vineyard.

We savor each sip, sometimes searching for an occasion special enough to open a bottle…even if we have to create one. We carefully plan and execute a photo with a bottle, two filled glasses using the view from each getaway destination as our background.

We have enjoyed this delicious wine, which holds such a special place in our hearts, in many special places for many special occasions and even some not-so-special occasions that became special with our first sip.

We continue to love this wine, like no other, and hope Vogelzang never stops creating such a delicious and unique Sauvignon Blanc for us to enjoy!

Thank you, Vogelzang Family, for ALL of our special times!

C & R